Dangerous Goods Transconsult

Dangerous Goods

Safety and Reliability from Transconsult at Transportations of dangerous goods

Shipping dangerous cargo considered as one of most complicated kinds of international cargo carriage. It requires utmost caution, expertise, and strict observance of all regulations and instructions on the transportation of dangerous goods, including requirements to the Consignor and the Consignee.

Why will You benefit from carrying Your dangerous goods with Transconsult?

Because we transport a wide scale of ADR-cargo types, classes 2/3/4/5/6/8/9:

Paint-and lacquer materials;

Flammable liquids;

Liquefied gas;

Toxic substances;

Corrosive substances, etc

Because we offer excellent performance of the ADR transportation

Skilled personnel. Transconsult specialists have undergone requisite ADR-transportation training, and have acquired expertise in carrying out such cargo carriage.

Reliable vehicles. We employ transport means specially equipped and licensed for ADR transportations, in possession of the requisite permits, assigned for cargo carriage under standard and/or temperature-control conditions. Subcontracted haulers are employed by Transconsult only if in possession of the above licenses, permits, and equipment.

Because You get a full set of services from Transconsult:

Door-to-door delivery of hazardous goods;

Consolidation and warehousing in EU, if needed;

Customs services and insurance, if needed;

Consulting on particular logistic requests and possible tailor-made solutions.

We will deliver Your cargo safe and intact!

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