FULL Truck Load

Full Truck Load

One of our main services is Internaonal Full Truck Load shipments performed by our own fleet and subcontracted carriers.

We achieved high level of performance in FTL transporng all types of goods

Standard cargoes;

ADR cargoes;

Temperature controlled goods;

Goods of high value.

The annual number of Transconsult Full Truck Load shipments makes up to 11.400 – these are mostly deliveries from/to Central, Western and Eastern Europe to/from Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan.

Transconsult offers a comprehensive truck loading solution including:

Most efficient logistic scheme and consulting;

"Door-to-door" delivery;

Cargo insurance;

Cargo customs clearance.

Our major advantage in Full Truck Load transportations is our own fleet: it numbers 55+ Euro-5 and Euro-6 compliant trucks with tilt or all-metal semitrailers of 82-100M3 carrying capacity.

Loading our own vehicles, we minimize the risks, ensure prompt communication, and actually manoeuvre truck velocity.

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