Transport To

Reliable cargo carriage to CIS countries, incl. Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan.

We help our client conquer new international markets, and therefore, to steadily expand their businesses. A reliable logistics partner able to provide efficient service and faultless customs clearance, stands next to advanced marketing strategy – both help You to achieve success in conquering new markets.

Transconsult strong points:

Сompany-owned truck fleet 55+, including specialized transport;

70+ countries united by us worlwide;

20+ years of faultless performance;

300+ OOG shipments held annually;

Expert team of 250+ members;

Сustoms Carrier License;

TTClub freight forwarder insurance liability covers up to USD 750 000;

Professional drivers, holders of IRU Diplomas of Honour;

FIATA diplomas and cerficates.

Should you be in need of a transportation other than the above – please do not hesitate to ASK TRANSCONSULT

Any tailor-made logistic schemes may be worked out by Transconsult logisticians.

Transconsult has been providing all cargo carriage by road, air, sea, and rail.

You are welcome to CONTACT TRANSCONSULT – Your cargoes will be in reliable hands, safely delivered to Your consignee.

Please fill in the form

Our clients
Армтек лого
Аскона лого
Атлантис Пак лого
Бекарт лого
Бергауф лого
Чистый берег лого
Ecopol лого
Egger лого
Пинскдрев лого
Ростсельмаш лого
Sarens лого
Sisecam лого
Гефест лого
Ивацевичдрев лого